Stray Dog Attacks: A Challenge to Public Safety

Yet another stray dog attack has been reported in Vevath, Chekyad, Kozhikode. The victim this time was a third-grade student, Muhammad Sayan, who was waiting for his school bus. As he tried to escape, he fell and sustained injuries on his hand.
This is not the first such incident in the area. Just two days ago, another student was nearly attacked by a stray dog in the same locality. This highlights the lack of adequate safety measures for children and the general public in public spaces.
Stray dog attacks are on the rise across Kerala. In addition to Kozhikode, similar incidents have been frequently reported in Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, and Kannur districts. Despite various government initiatives to control the stray dog population, the issue remains unresolved due to ineffective implementation.
The stray dog problem is a delicate issue that requires a balance between public safety and humane treatment of animals. Simply exterminating these animals is not a solution. Instead, a well-planned and collective approach involving both the public and authorities is necessary. Key measures such as vaccination drives and population control are essential for ensuring both human safety and animal welfare.
To prevent such incidents in the future, community participation is crucial. Authorities must take urgent steps to create safe public spaces for children and adults while implementing effective measures to control the stray dog population.